CAG's ex-principal auditor RP Singh on Friday made startling revelations about the agency's 2G report saying that it was audited without guidelines and influenced by Public Accounts Committee Chairman Murli Manohar Joshi. Singh further stated that the loss figure of Rs 1.76 lakh crore was presumptive, which he had deleted from the draft report but which was restored in the final copy.
Singh disown...
Singh disown...
ed the report saying it was not his and that he was merely asked to sign on it. He further asked that leaks by the office of the CAG be investigated.
"This loss figure (of Rs 1.76 lakh crore) did appear before me in a draft audit report submitted by my field office. I carried out discussion with them. I asked for the supporting documents, on what basis they are saying these are the losses. They said, 'we are taking it as presumption'. I said in performance audit there is nothing called presumption loss. So I deleted this figure and while forwarding my version of report, I clearly mentioned why I am deleting these figures. It seems that at the time of examination in CAG office, these loss figures were restored," said Singh.
Interesting allegations Mr RP Singh wonder what kept you waiting so long? and why did you time your revelation only after retiring and then just when the Parliament session starts. The only thing that makes me go mad is why the hell is MM Joshi being dragged into it. Clearly we can see some conspiracy being plotted to give Congress a clean chit and then pass on the buck of failure to some one whose credibility is far more higher than the congress put together. Sickening to see how people give such irresponsible comments and abuse and accuse people to get political millage.
"This loss figure (of Rs 1.76 lakh crore) did appear before me in a draft audit report submitted by my field office. I carried out discussion with them. I asked for the supporting documents, on what basis they are saying these are the losses. They said, 'we are taking it as presumption'. I said in performance audit there is nothing called presumption loss. So I deleted this figure and while forwarding my version of report, I clearly mentioned why I am deleting these figures. It seems that at the time of examination in CAG office, these loss figures were restored," said Singh.
Interesting allegations Mr RP Singh wonder what kept you waiting so long? and why did you time your revelation only after retiring and then just when the Parliament session starts. The only thing that makes me go mad is why the hell is MM Joshi being dragged into it. Clearly we can see some conspiracy being plotted to give Congress a clean chit and then pass on the buck of failure to some one whose credibility is far more higher than the congress put together. Sickening to see how people give such irresponsible comments and abuse and accuse people to get political millage.
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